If you are interested in the field of skin care, you can now have the option of taking up medical esthetics.Some of the places where a medical esthetician can gain employment is in hospitals, doctor and dermatologist offices, and wellness and rehabilitation centers, instead of working in spas and salons.


Professionals in medical esthetics in windsor ontario usually deal with patients with diseases and other conditions that have to do with their hair and skin. The line of work can be emotionally challenging because you deal with patients who are simultaneously undergoing other painful medical procedures and treatments.Terminally ill patients are some of those that a medical esthetician has to help, especially in making them feel better about how they look physically.


Medical estheticians help in cancer wards in hospitals by teaching women how to apply concealing makeup and fitting them for a wig to wear due to hair loss from chemotherapy. A medical esthetician can work in the burn unit of a hospital or a rehabilitation center, and here they teach burn victims how to take care of their skin and revitalize them.  Victims of accidents with substantial scarring are also those patients whom medical estheticians help. Those who suffer severe acne can also be helped by medical estheticians through their dermatologists. For their pre- and post operative skin care, patients who will undergo plastic surgery usually go to a medical esthetician.


People who want to work in the field of medical esthetics need to get a state board certification after taking the course on medical esthetics which deals with the medical side of skin care.


Esthetician schools are like most trade schools because it will not take you as long to complete as an undergraduate program. Esthetician programs usually take only about four to six months to finish after which you have to  qualify for an estheticians license which varies from state to state.


Most programs in medical esthetics windsor ontario follow the same curriculum.Skin analysis, body wraps, waxing, facials, salt glows, spa treatments, aromatherapy, and make up application, are the course topics that  you can expect in your medical esthetics course.


If you want to have a master license, you should take up advanced courses. It can mean a better pay for you and more opportunity.Aside from relearning the basics you will also be taught the following skills: performing chemical peels, laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, and microdermabrasion which is the process of using light abrasion to remove the outer layer of the skin.


There are more to an esthetics school that just course training because they also teach you customer relations, how to find work and how to have your own business.